What do I need to get a middle-aged woman’s certificate to get a job??

Hello, I’m Lee Young-o, and I got my second-class plainclothes certificate.

These days, the retirement age tends to be delayed due to the development of medical technology and the aging of the population in their 50s.Is there any way that I, a housewife, can earn extra money accordingly?What is the certificate of a middle-aged woman when she wants to help at home?The idea began to spread.In the meantime, I learned about the certificate of social worker that many people get these days, and I can issue the certificate online even if I don’t go to university.

Then, I wanted to use this method as soon as possible to get ready, and I decided to find out what I could do.He said the license, which is by far the best among middle-aged women’s certificates, would be a very good specification to get a job in an era like these days.When I looked into the Internet with the intention of looking into it properly, I saw so many people writing these days that I was introducing people who could tell me how to easily get it through the credit banking system.

Then, I wanted to use this method as soon as possible to get ready, and I decided to find out what I could do.He said the license, which is by far the best among middle-aged women’s certificates, would be a very good specification to get a job in an era like these days.When I looked into the Internet with the intention of looking into it properly, I saw so many people writing these days that I was introducing people who could tell me how to easily get it through the credit banking system.

Then, I thought it would be no loss to try it, so I made an inquiry over the phone.At first, the study mentor asked me about the process and final academic background I wanted, and asked me what was the most popular middle-aged female certificate.Then, as I checked, plain clothes are the most popular and you can get enough in the third semester.Fortunately, I had a junior college education, so I only had to take 17 subjects that I had to take.Mentor said that if you divide it into 8 subjects in the first semester, 6 subjects in the second semester, 2 subjects in the third semester, theory, and 1 subject practice, you will be able to take all 17 subjects in a year and a half and even get a license.Anyway, if it takes three semesters anyway, I thought it would be better to choose the school festival and start it.

Online lectures were available on computers and mobile phones, and since they were recorded videos, I was able to attend freely without a separate schedule.

When I was listening to the class, I felt that it would be like a university course, but the process of taking the exam and submitting the assignment is progressing.I was young when I was a student, so I could still do it, but I was worried if I could study at this age.

Then, the mentor told me not to worry too much and told me that he would give me know-how that I could do easily, so that I wouldn’t feel pressured.Fortunately, I don’t know how much I enjoyed every semester while preparing for this certificate, which is the most frequently prepared among middle-aged women’s certificates.Instead of taking exams such as midterm and final exams at the examination room, I was able to take them at home by myself.There was no supervisor, so I was able to take the test with ease.Each subject has a topic for each subject, and it’s over if you write and submit it based on your thoughts and materials according to the introduction, body, and conclusion in the form of a report.

Most of the online lectures were completed in such a simple way, and the next semester’s classes were also available online.

In the meantime, administrative processing is called student registration and credit certification application

It is an administrative process that can only be done in January, April, July, and October, but it is better to proceed in advance when the quarter is held, so I was able to complete it according to the manual that my mentor told me.Like the first semester, I listened to the second semester online, took exams, submitted assignments, and had discussions, and the semester was coming to an end.I thought it took a really long time to get here, but it wasn’t exactly a year yet.What kind of certificates do middle-aged women have? When I was preparing and looking into it, I was proud to see you preparing for the license like this.This license may help you get a job later, but if you’re worried that your age will help you get a job, you said you can start a business rather than get a job.The class is over until the second semester, and the last semester of the long-awaited practice is approaching.Time flies so fast… The first thing I had to do was to call the institution I was going to practice first and ask for help.My mentor sent me a list of institutions where I could practice, so I called near my house and decided to go to a place where I could pay a reasonable advance training fee.After that, I had to participate in the seminar three times separately from the practical subjects.At the beginning, middle, and end of the seminar, you attended offline unconditionally, and when you first went there, you told me a lot about precautions, things you should not do, and so on.After that, you can print out the practice diary and go directly to the practice destination I’ve been engaged in.It was very troublesome because I had to take pictures and attach them one by one a day, and I had to write a practice diary properly. I learned that this is what social workers do while being taught by a welfare worker.I realized once again why this certificate is so popular among middle-aged women.These are things that women deserve to do a lot, and most of the applicants who do their jobs were women.So I was able to finish 160 hours of practice with a little more comfortable mind.In the middle, the professor visited and told me the date and time he wanted to visit in person, and he visited accordingly.I can’t believe I tried this in my life I really lived a long life and felt that it was something to see.I was able to complete the practice by submitting the diary that I had written so far while participating in the seminar at the end.This would have been the end of the administrative process.I was able to apply for the issuance of a certificate without a certificate of achievement after completing the administrative process of all the practical training.The Korea Social Welfare Association needed a lot of documents for the new issuance, so I submitted them, and with the help of a mentor, I was able to obtain plain clothes, a middle-aged woman’s certificate, without much difficulty.Since it can be used later even when you get older, how about keeping one for the age of 100 like these days??Cheer up, everyone!Cheer up, everyone!Cheer up, everyone!Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image

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