Japan Ferry Tour: Osaka Sunflower Ferry Review from Beppu

Japan Ferry Tour: Osaka Sunflower Ferry Review from Beppu Japan Ferry Tour: Osaka Sunflower Ferry Review from Beppu

Beppu Sanfura ferry suddenly fell in love with a ferry trip three-pronged woodpecker Beppu Sanfura ferry suddenly fell in love with a ferry trip three-pronged woodpecker

There are several routes for the Sanfurawa, but I moved from Beppu to Osaka. We set sail at 6:45 a.m. the next day until 06:35 a.m., had dinner, enjoyed the sea, had a hot spring, had a beer and went to bed, and arrived in Osaka There are several routes for the Sanfurawa, but I moved from Beppu to Osaka. We set sail at 6:45 a.m. the next day until 06:35 a.m., had dinner, enjoyed the sea, had a hot spring, had a beer and went to bed, and arrived in Osaka

Usually, one-way discount luck, each year, and one-way fee is a one-way fee of adults or one-way fare.In April 20, 24, 20,490 passenger standardized, including passenger standards, 990 passenger standards, 990 passenger standard, 990 passenger seat, 990890 passenger vehicles, 990 passenger vehicles, 990 passenger vehicles, and소 The luck is a half of adults.등급 grade differences in grade, adult 1… www.ferry-sunflower.co.jp

I made a reservation in advance. The price was cheaper than I thought. Maybe that’s why there were a lot of local grandmothers and grandfathers! There were not many foreigners because it was a weekday I made a reservation in advance. The price was cheaper than I thought. Maybe that’s why there were a lot of local grandmothers and grandfathers! There were not many foreigners because it was a weekday

There are a lot of different versions of the rooms, and the single-person bed looks so fun like a capsule hotel, so there is a pet room for one person without paying extra, so there are quite a few people who board with their dogs. It seems that locals use it a lot when traveling. There are a lot of different versions of the rooms, and the single-person bed looks so fun like a capsule hotel, so there is a pet room for one person without paying extra, so there are quite a few people who board with their dogs. It seems that locals use it a lot when traveling.

선플라워 페리 베푸 터미널 944-2 시오미초, 벳푸, 오이타 874-0918 일본 선플라워 페리 베푸 터미널 944-2 시오미초, 벳푸, 오이타 874-0918 일본


The boarding starts at 17:00, but the ticketing was faster, so I checked out and went first after lunch, and it didn’t open yet. There are a lot of trucks, but the drivers went in and had to wait quite a long time. The boarding starts at 17:00, but the ticketing was faster, so I checked out and went first after lunch, and it didn’t open yet. There are a lot of trucks, but the drivers went in and had to wait quite a long time.

아직 문을 열지 않아서 짐을 맡기려고 했는데 벌써 코인라커가 꽉 찼어요. 애초에 사물함이 몇 개 안되서 경쟁이 치열해요 아직 문을 열지 않아서 짐을 맡기려고 했는데 벌써 코인라커가 꽉 찼어요. 애초에 사물함이 몇 개 안되서 경쟁이 치열해요

근처에 있는 중고 가게에 가서 쇼핑을 좀 해서 시간 맞춰서 와서 사람들이 많았어요 근처에 있는 중고 가게에 가서 쇼핑을 좀 해서 시간 맞춰서 와서 사람들이 많았어요

탑승 시간이 다가오자 사람들이 앉을 자리가 너무 많았습니다. 탑승 시간이 다가오자 사람들이 앉을 자리가 너무 많았습니다.

There was also a pet playground where the dogs could play in the playground while waiting until the line of the drivers was reduced. A Japanese family brought in about five teams of puppies, and they were like, “Hello~ Say hello to each other~” I guess this is not the culture. Each of us played in the corner There was also a pet playground where the dogs could play in the playground while waiting until the line of the drivers was reduced. A Japanese family brought in about five teams of puppies, and they were like, “Hello~ Say hello to each other~” I guess this is not the culture. Each of us played in the corner

Thanks to the reservation, I got my ticket very soon! There are quite a few people buying on site, so it’s hard because the line doesn’t get cut off quickly, so I have to take the QR on that ticket to go into the room, so I have to carry it well. (Printer to reissue it for those who lost it? There’s a machine or something on the ship.) Thanks to the reservation, I got my ticket very soon! There are quite a few people buying on site, so it’s hard because the line doesn’t get cut off quickly, so I have to take the QR on that ticket to go into the room, so I have to carry it well. (Printer to reissue it for those who lost it? There’s a machine or something on the ship.)

드디어 정시에 탑승했습니다. 빨리 줄 앞에 들어갔더니 로비에 아무도 없었어요. 드디어 정시에 탑승했습니다. 빨리 줄 앞에 들어갔더니 로비에 아무도 없었어요

와, 타이타닉 같지 않아요? 이 중앙 계단 너무 멋있어요 🙂 와, 타이타닉 같지 않아요? 이 중앙 계단 너무 멋있어요 🙂

As soon as they got on, they left their luggage in the ocean view and took their seats. We can go up from the room and the cute room like the capsule hotel is on the same floor, so we don’t have to go back and forth As soon as they got on, they left their luggage in the ocean view and took their seats. We can go up from the room and the cute room like the capsule hotel is on the same floor, so we don’t have to go back and forth

There are a lot of lockers in each room, so you can keep your luggage outside. (We just put our luggage in the hallway because the room is not full and there are not many people.) There are a lot of lockers in each room, so you can keep your luggage outside. (We just put our luggage in the hallway because the room is not full and there are not many people.)

밖에 놔두면 짐을 꺼내기가 불편해요.. 밖에 놔두면 짐을 꺼내기가 불편해요..

짜잔! 2층 침대 짜잔! 2층 침대 짜잔

About six sets of bunk beds like this in one room? We can share the bathroom (the shower has a separate shower room in the hot spring) and there is a changing room in the room. About six sets of bunk beds like this in one room? We can share the bathroom (the shower has a separate shower room in the hot spring) and there is a changing room in the room.

2층 침대 중에서 1층을 배정받았는데 여기가 제 자리인데 귀여워요 2층 침대 중에서 1층을 배정받았거든요. 여기가 제 자리에요. 귀여워요

너무 작다고 생각했는데 너무 넓어서 2명이 누워있더라고요. 다리가 긴 사람도 누워있더라고요 너무 작다고 생각했는데 너무 넓어서 2명이 누워있더라고요. 다리가 긴 사람도 누워있더라고요

베개랑 이불도 있고, 앞에 TV도 있고요. 이어폰 끼고 볼 수 있는 이어폰이랑 수건도 줬어요? 베개랑 이불도 있고, 앞에 TV도 있고요. 이어폰 끼고 볼 수 있는 이어폰이랑 수건도 줬어요?

이어폰/타월/칫솔 다른 모든 세면도구들은 온천에 있습니다 이어폰/타월/칫솔 다른 모든 세면도구들은 온천에 있습니다

누울 때 보는 옷걸이를 사용할 수 있고, 옆으로 2개의 콘센트가 있고, 옆으로 커튼을 닫을 수 있어서 포근하고 좋습니다! 누울 때 보는 옷걸이를 사용할 수 있고, 옆으로 2개의 콘센트가 있고, 옆으로 커튼을 닫을 수 있어서 포근하고 좋습니다!

방에 물건을 놓고 페리를 구경하세요 방에 물건을 두고 페리를 구경하세요

이렇게 유니폼을 입어보실 수 있습니다. 그런데 관중이 많으니 조심하세요 이렇게 유니폼을 입어보실 수 있습니다. 그래도 관중이 많으니 조심하세요

위층으로 올라가면 갑판으로 나가서 구경을 할 수 있습니다 위층으로 올라가면 갑판으로 나가서 구경을 할 수 있습니다

There is a public hot spring pool on the first floor of the room, so you can enjoy the hot spring while looking at the sea, and there is a separate shower booth! There are a lot of people on the ferry, but the bath was not very crowded, and when I went at night it was relaxing and okay (on the contrary, there are many people who wash up as soon as they get on, so it’s even more crowded) There is a public hot spring pool on the first floor of the room, so you can enjoy the hot spring while looking at the sea, and there is a separate shower booth! There are a lot of people on the ferry, but the bath was not very crowded, and when I went at night it was relaxing and okay (on the contrary, there are many people who wash up as soon as they get on, so it’s even more crowded)

꼭대기 층에는 큰 방들이 있고, 손님들을 위한 라운지도 하나 더 있어요. 티브이랑 커피머신 같은 거요? 꼭대기 층에는 큰 방들이 있고, 손님들을 위한 라운지도 하나 더 있어요. 티브이랑 커피머신 같은 거요?

내부에 와이파이가 가능하고, 볼거리와 즐길거리가 많습니다. 🙂 내부에 와이파이가 가능하고, 볼거리와 즐길거리가 많습니다. 🙂

There are a lot of passengers and truckers who brought the car, so it takes a long time to get ready for boarding. We haven’t even departed yet even after we’ve seen the ship ╰(*°▽°*)╯ There are a lot of passengers and truckers who brought the car, so it takes a long time to get ready for boarding. We haven’t even departed yet even after we’ve seen the ship ╰(*°▽°*)╯

Now, when you’re ready to leave, there’s a performance where the captain hits the gong in front of the door. I was watching from the top floor, but I heard the dozing sound so loud that I came down to watch Now, when you’re ready to leave, there’s a performance where the captain hits the gong in front of the door. I was watching from the top floor, but I heard the dozing sound so loud that I came down to watch

There’s a snack bar inside, but there are all kinds of vending machines in between, so I don’t really go to the snack bar. Due to the limited number of photos, I’ll introduce the buffet above and other facilities in the next post (●’◡’●) There’s a snack bar inside, but there are all kinds of vending machines in between, so I don’t really go to the snack bar. Due to the limited number of photos, I’ll introduce the buffet above and other facilities in the next post (●’◡’●)


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